
A List Of Exclusive Narrative Essay Topic Ideas For College

The key to writing a good narrative is to write something which you personally experienced. In college you have likely gone through many personal trials and struggles and perhaps even traveled. All of these details are things that you can use for this particular assignment.

When in college you can craft your personal narrative about an experience which taught you an important lesson. You never want to just describe an event. Do you want to describe the event and what the event taught you or rather what lessons you were able to learn from that event.

So if you were struggling to come up with the best college level ideas consider the following list:

  1. Craft a paper which explains the moving process from one city to another
  2. Present to the audience and object which has provided you with personal motivation such as a teddy bear or blankets that you have kept with you throughout childhood
  3. Craft a paper which focuses on the life changing events for you in discovering what you wanted to be when you grow up
  4. Review A time when you were scared and what you were able to learn from the situation
  5. Craft a paper about a lesson which showed you what college you wanted to attend
  6. Present to the reader a chance to be independent and what you were able to learn from this chance
  7. Craft something which focuses on a near-death experience and the lesson he taught you
  8. Write about a person who was of particular influence to you

As you are working on your narrative idea, make sure that you focus on things in order, such as brainstorming, researching, writing the outline, writing the first draft, editing, proofreading, and writing the final draft. Many students like to work on the tasks which are smaller or easier just to get them out-of-the-way, but at the beginning of your writing session your brain will be much more able to focus compared to the end of your study session and it is for this reason that the most difficult or challenging assignment should be tackled at the very beginning. So you should work on things in order and then save mundane tasks like formatting for the end of your writing session when your brain is less likely to focus quickly.
